Pretty impressed with HVAC

I have to say that I’m all in when it comes to quality heating and air.

Great heating and cooling seem to be just the ticket for me.

That’s so essential when you consider it. However, I think I probably have a bit better appreciation for our residential HVAC. See, I didn’t always have what most would consider residential HVAC or commercial HVAC for that matter. I spent nearly a decade in a country where the closest I got to HVAC technology was an evaporative cooler. This is a form of cooling that uses the evaporation process to cool the air. It works and is actually a more sustainable cooling choice. But it’s nothing like the sort of HVAC technology that most of us take for granted every, single day. So when I came back to the states to continue my career, I came back with a much better perspective on HVAC. I grew up and now live in the south. The heat pump is the king of the south when it comes to quality heating and air. While we don’t need much HVAC heating, that heat pump lives up to its name in the summer. We consume a staggering amount of HVAC cooling in this region. It’s just sort of crazy. I can’t walk out of my house, even early in the morning, without hearing a chorus of heat pumps. Be that as it may, I am glad to have HVAC cooling while I don’t overuse it. Like in the spring, I leave the door and windows open as long as I can. And even then, my thermostat is set at a comfortable 83 degrees during the hot part of the day.
commercial air conditioning

By admin

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