Sump pumps can help with flooded basements

I’ll never forget about 5 years ago when our town was devastated by a major flood.

The creeks around the area rose very high and people’s homes experienced between two to nine feet of water.

Some people’s homes were completely destroyed while others just had flooding in their basement. It took about 2 years for the whole town to get back to normal. A lot of organizations came to help out the community. A lot of my girlfriends lost their homes and they ended up staying with me until their homes were redone. Luckily my home didn’t receive as much damage. I just had about four feet of water in my basement. I had to get rid of everything down there including my grandma’s one hundred year old wooden bookshelf. I got a whole new HVAC system and I even installed a sump pump. The food was very unexpected and having water damage in my basement was pretty costly. To keep this from happening again I decided to get a sump pump. My HVAC technician told me to keep track of my sump pump and maintain it. The sump pump should be replaced regularly about every four to five years and backup batteries should be kept in my home too. If I ever experience water in my basement again it won’t be as high as it was. The sump pump will drain most of the water out of my basement leaving less damage than there was before. I never want to experience or see my friend’s homes damaged like that again.


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