My husband went shopping for a sale. (At an old HVAC warehouse)

My brother-in-law is one of these people who is forever getting my husband into trouble. It seems that whenever there is some kind of big sale going on, my brother-in-law has to go. They say that women are shoppers and will spend money when the items are needed, but my brother-in-law truly is a spender. Last month, my brother-in-law called my husband on a Thursday night and told him he had to take Friday off work. No matter how adamant my husband was that he wasn’t going along with him, my brother-in-law continued to insist that my husband join him. After 15 minutes, my husband was laughing and I knew he was going shopping the next day. His brother had convinced him to go to an old HVAC warehouse and see what kind of a deal they could find. I kind of thought that maybe he would come home with some air filters that would fit our AC unit or our furnace. I was so wrong. My brother-in-law came home with an AC unit that had to be 20 years old. There was no energy star markings on the AC unit, nor was there any information about the energy ratings. My brother-in-law knew nothing about what kind of AC unit it was, or even if his air purification system was compatible with the AC unit. I just shook my head and told my husband that my brother-in-law’s husband was going to kill him when he brought that thing home. My brother-in-law laughed and told me that he’s not the one about it, but it was his baby brother.

mini split air conditioner

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