Find Allergy Relief With Your HVAC

A well-maintained HVAC system can reduce allergies in any home or business.

Removing allergens from the air lowers the density of allergens that might trigger an allergic reaction.

In combination with an efficient and filtration-designed HVAC system, a well-sealed building can virtually eliminate allergens from the indoor air, resulting in dramatic air quality improvements. Even window units with only one zone have a filter. Using this filter, lint and allergens are removed from the air and temperature-treated before being pumped back into the house. The better the filter, the more particles it can remove. Small allergen particles such as seasonal pollen can be reliably removed by filters with MERV 11 or higher ratings. To work correctly, filters need to be changed regularly. Additional air purifiers and air scrubbing devices can be installed in line with your HVAC system. As your air passes through the HVAC system, this method will further eliminate allergens and any other immune system irritants before the air reaches the vents in your rooms. Most of that dust can be cycled back through new filtration systems with the help of an HVAC system. Air is designed to flow freely through ducts without being clogged. As long as the heating and cooling system is in good working order, your air ducts rarely need cleaning. If you live in a moist area, humidity control via your HVAC system will prevent the growth of allergy-causing mold colonies. Getting rid of allergens inside your home is the key to reducing allergies. This can be accomplished in three different ways. By stopping new allergens from getting in, cleaning and removing allergen-bearing items, and using a high-quality filter in your HVAC system, you can keep the air clean. Prevent new allergens from getting in by stopping them from entering. Caulk your windows and replace the weatherstripping around your doors and windows. Check your house for cracks and repair them. Install sealed insulation in your attic and garage. Besides increasing your home’s energy efficiency, this will also help block new allergens and allow your HVAC system to create suction to filter the air.

New air conditioning

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