She Needs Central A/C or A Ductless Mini Split System

One of the downfalls to our sibling’s new new home are the window A/C units.

I tried to warn our sibling about getting a new home that didn’t have central air conditioning system, even though she insisted that the window A/C units weren’t a problem.

From experience, I understood how effective and efficient central A/C was. I also knew that window A/C units were louder and not as consistent; Despite our personal experiences, our sibling ignored myself and others and bought the new home anyway. A few months after moving in, she began complaining about how hot it was. I knew she was subtly dropping hints about how unhappy she was with her window A/C units, because she wanted myself and others to ask her about them, however knowing how tough I tried to stop her from getting a new home separate from central AC, I ignored her attempts at talking about her inconsistent air conditioning system. Every time every one of us talked, our sibling brought up the temperature until finally, she admitted how she didn’t prefer the window A/C units. After she admitted that I was right and she was wrong, I asked her how old the window A/C units were, and my sibling said they were over 15 years old, which was why they were creating so much noise and taking forever to cool the air. If our sibling wanted better air conditioning system, she had 2 options. She could either install central A/C or she could purchase ductless mini split systems for each room. The ductless mini split system was cheaper if she didn’t need a single for each room, however the central A/C was more consistent and quieter. I’m not sure which cooling opening she’s going to choose.

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