In-laws told us new space was a waste

When my wife and I were moving into this house we were extremely excited for all of the possibilities. We knew that it was a bit of a fixer upper but we saw a lot of potential on the property. When we started showing our friends and family the house that we had just purchased, we were disappointed when some of them had negative opinions about our investment. Apparently, my in-laws do not believe that we were wise when we purchased this property. Specifically, because we do not have the heating, cooling, and air quality control chops to make it worthwhile. We have a small shed located in the back of the house that we intend to transform into a satellite suite, of sorts. Unfortunately, my in-laws do not believe that this is a viable plan because of the lack of heating, cooling, and ventilation installed in the structure. I keep trying to tell them that there are alternatives to the central indoor air temperature control system that most of us are used to. That we will not have to install ductwork in the tiny shed, which would eat up a lot of indoor space while providing unnecessary circulation in such a tiny area. Instead of worrying about a centralized heating, cooling, and ventilation device we can easily install a mini split ductless heating and cooling system which will be able to control the air temperature throughout the shed. My in-laws have never heard of a mini split ductless heating and cooling system, and apparently they just don’t believe me. As they were leaving no property after viewing it for the first time, they soberly wished us good luck with our new investment and upcoming HVAC bills.



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