I like practical gifts – learned to fix HVAC

A few months ago I decided that I should go online and take one of those love language quizzes.

It seemed like a good idea to better understand myself so that someone new could possibly enter my life. If I wanted to have a successful partnership that I was going to need to learn to understand myself first. When I started taking the quiz, however, it seemed very obvious that I already knew my preferred love language. I’m not the type of person who needs over-the-top vacations, praise, or constant physical affection… But I do enjoy acts of service. Particularly, I love practical gifts that make my life easier. This is why the best relationship I ever had included high quality indoor air handling devices. You see, a few years ago my ex-boyfriend realized that I was consistently too cold in the house. I couldn’t afford to run my furnace at a higher level because my energy bills were already through the roof. I was constantly shivering and rubbing my hands together as I moved portable space heaters around the house. I really wanted to upgrade my furnace or at least have the heating device professionally inspected, but my budget was rather tight. That’s when my boyfriend went online and started watching DIY heating and cooling repair videos. Within a few weeks he knew his way around a basic forced air furnace. The day that I found my boyfriend diagnosing my indoor air handling device I absolutely fell in love. Looking back on that relationship and that forced air furnace, I know exactly what I want in the future. A man who’s willing to learn HVAC repair for me.

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