HVAC tech didn’t charge me for labor

Sometimes people will surprise you with how amazing they can be.

Other times, they will shock you with how absolutely terrible they can be…

So take this with a grain of salt. However, last month I was absolutely blown away when I received an act of unexpected kindness on a day when I really needed it. I was already having an extremely difficult time between my job, my failing relationship, and now my household. The house has been extremely uncomfortable for a while, with fluctuating indoor air temperatures that never seemed to even out. I didn’t feel like my heating and cooling system was capable of reaching the settings which were established on my centralized thermostat. At the same time, I noticed that there were strange odors coming from the indoor air temperature control system. Eventually I called my local heating, cooling, and ventilation control dealership because my entire air conditioning system broke down on one of the hottest days of the summer. I was at my wit’s end, trying to decide how I would pay you for the expensive indoor air temperature control repair while my job was so unstable. When the heating and cooling technician arrived at my house he could obviously tell that I was in a state of despair about the AC breakdown. He helped me with the cooling system, which took a solid 2 hours to fully repair. At the end of the heating and cooling repair service, I was absolutely shocked to see the bill. My heating and cooling technician only charged me for parts and said that his labor was on the house.
Space heater

By admin

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