The frigid season is sleeping season

Sleep has come much easier to me over the past few days.

The first frigid front of the fall season has arrived! What does that have to do with me sleeping enjoy a baby, you ask? Well, it’s because it ends up getting so nice and cool in our new home in the days.

It can almost not get too frigid in our new home for sleeping. A freezing frigid room helps me sleep more than just about anything. I mean, I also need pale white noise, such as the noise that a fan makes in order to fall asleep, however that, in combination with a frigid room and thick blankets sends me to sleeping heaven! I try to be sparing with our air conditioner. However, once the temperatures begin to drop, I don’t need to worry about setting a modest temperature on the temperature control anymore. The ambient temperature of our new home goes down way farther than what I set the air conditioner to run at, thus providing me with a nice, cool environment without paying a dime on temperature control! I doubt I’ll even never turn on the heat this winter. There might be a handful of days where I do, however most of the time I’m going to appreciate the frigid and sleep so well! Science seems to back up our claim that cool temperatures are better for sleep. In fact, I have heard that the National Sleep Foundation suggests a room temperature between 60 and 75° in order to foster the best possible sleep.

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