Playing Ball With my Buddies was a Major Thing Back in the Day

Back when I was a youngster, I used to always go out and play hoops with my buddies.

Sometimes we would have an uneven number of players but would try to balance things out! Of course, one of my buddies would always complain about domination when the teams were unfair.

Obviously, some of us were more skilled than others, then I wasn’t exactly the best player myself, even though I did become pretty good at my long range shots which made me a fine option in the games. However, the greatest issue for me though was keeping comfortable while on the tepid days. I officially would tell everybody that I needed to go back to my house to get indefinite breaks, and everybody laughed at me when I first did this, even though I would bring chilly drinks back for everybody. Usually it was just bottled water that I would bring back in an ice chest, but everybody appreciated that I looked out for them and gave a way for them to cool down on those incredibly hot and humid days. The cooling relief of an ice-cold soda is incredible! Everybody appreciated me being sort of the ‘water boy’, even though I was glad to help everybody out and get some cooling relaxation at the same time. The relaxing time back at the condo was always fantastic too. I even had friends come over to play video games occasionally and they were able to see why I enjoyed the cooling comfort so much from the AC system in my home. These days, I have a basketball hoop in the driveway and play occasionally with the kids. We do the same thing with the AC breaks and cool drinks to this day.


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