Annah almost forgot to schedule HVAC maintenance

It seemed the thermostat had stopped working, which was why the cooling unit wasn’t blowing cool air into the house

Annah’s boys were in real trouble, and she wasn’t sure how she would save them this time. It seemed like they were always seeking trouble. Annah had to admit that she felt overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. She got a phone call from the police saying they had been arrested trying to steal alcohol from a liquor store that afternoon. This was their third offense, and this time they’d end up in a juvenile detention center. Annah recalled a conversation with her best friend, who said such a place might be good for them since they were out of control. Annah was stretched thin between going to work and attending their court case that she completely forgot to contact the HVAC company for HVAC maintenance. The boys were sentenced to 1 year in a juvenile detention center at the beginning of summer. Annah took a month off work to recover from the ordeal and plan her next step. Perhaps boarding school would be good for them. One summer morning, she was at home trying to research more about the best boarding schools, the HVAC system stopped working. Annah noticed that the house was feeling hot and muggy, so she checked her thermostat. It seemed the thermostat had stopped working, which was why the cooling unit wasn’t blowing cool air into the house. As Annah was phoning the HVAC company, it hit her that she had forgotten to contact them about HVAC maintenance before summer. Failure to tune up the unit was causing her issues, but it had been a rough time back then.

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