A very cold night

So the portable space heating system does the task that is needed.

We have had very cold weather here as of the last few weeks, but wintertide is in full effect. It has been so cold that I have had to use both my electric fireplace and my central heating as well as a/c idea just to keep things warm in the house. By running both the electric fireplace as well as the central heating it is just enough to combat the super cold weather that makes my home office chilly. In my home office at night, I have a portable space heating system on at the same time with the central heating. This is because the air vents are not enough to heat the home office. There are only 2 air vents as well as they are placed at the most bizarre places. The air flow is not perfect. But with the portable space heating system it works very nice. I am feeling nice as well as cozy as well as do not freeze. Then when I wake up to take a shower I take the portable space heating system with me to the lavatory. I very wish I had radiant radiant floors, however those are way too extravagant to afford. So the portable space heating system does the task that is needed. I hope that this cold calms down soon because I very hate having to run both my central heating as well as a/c idea mixed with other heating devices in the house. It can double the use of electric as well as make my utility bills pretty high. And I very do not prefer having to pay high electric bills. No a single cares about that, however hopefully soon this will all end as well as be better.
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