How do you prepare your commercial HVAC system for winter?

To prepare your HVAC system for winter, you’ll also need to replace the filters throughout your HVAC system

Your HVAC system is essential for keeping your commercial building’s indoor environment comfortable at any given time of the year. It is important to note that the exterior temperature can have significant impacts on your unit’s operations. A harsh winter climate may cause unexpected heating issues, especially on older units or units installed in larger buildings. Besides that, the ravages of winter can wreak havoc on your system’s mechanical components, resulting in severe wear and tear, leaks, frozen pipes, cracked pipes, and seals, among many other problems. A property owner should consider inspection and winterization of an HVAC system in the Fall to protect their HVAC investment and ensure their occupants have a friendly environment all winter. To prepare your HVAC system for winter, first, check your building’s thermostat. Currently, commercial HVAC systems come equipped with very accurate thermostats, which are vital in decreasing your overall energy consumption. However, even the most advanced electronic thermostats may be problematic, becoming inaccurate over time. You may need to update or replace the sensors and adjust the configuration settings. It is recommendable to inspect your thermostat at the start of every new season to ascertain predictable operation. To prepare your HVAC system for winter, you’ll also need to replace the filters throughout your HVAC system. Clean, intact filters are crucial for proper airflow throughout your system. As filters become dirty, clogged, or damaged, your entire system’s operations will be compromised during winter, forcing your unit to work harder to heat your commercial property. Dirty filters can also contribute to pollution in your indoor air, resulting in illness and other health issues during the cold season.



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