Finding a much needed connection at the gym

I hate to admit the obvious.

But my life really does tend to revolve around my work.

I put in a ton of hours at a job that I love. Probably, I average around 70 hours per week at my job. While I am passionate about my job, it is super stressful. I was much in need for some sort of outlet. And I found it at my local gym. Well, calling it a gym is a bit of an understatement. I go to a fully outfitted health and wellness center. I try to get to the gym at least 5 times per week. My gym membership is a really important release for me and my stressful life. I go to the health and fitness center in large part to help manage by stress. Before my gym membership, I did my blowing off steam at the local watering hole. I let off steam for sure but in such an unhealthy and unproductive manner. My health and fitness suffered greatly from all of that drinking. So, that make the stress at work all that much tougher to deal with. It was a vicious circle. A buddy of mine was dealing with the same sort of thing. He decided to bypass the bar and head for the gym. Fortunately for me, he dragged me along with him. Once I got to the health and wellness center, I found so many activities that met my interests. From the personal training to the nutritional counseling, I was so eager to get right into my health and fitness. Now, I can’t really even imagine what life would be like without my time at the gym.

Wellness and Recovery Programs

By admin

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