Creating my own shirt shop

I’ve had a passion for creating since a young age.

It was always different things that I would become interested in, and then eventually I would lose interest.

One thing I never lost interest in after I found out how to make them is shirts! It started as making goofy shirts for myself, then for my family members and friends, and when I had enough material and money, I decided to take my business online. Since I was going to college at this time, I had to live in my mom’s basement which was crammed, hot and sweaty. I didn’t realize how much harder this would make it to work, but with me rushing around trying to create different design shirts, it only made the heat so much worse. My mother seemed completely unaffected by the overbearing heat, and didn’t mind that the air conditioning system was broken. I however, did mind, as not only did it affect my workflow, but it was unbearable! I tried to convince my mom several times to just call the HVAC professional out, but my mother proclaimed that it would be a waste of money. I finally gave it, and with the little money I was able to scrape up, I paid for a HVAC repair. Now that I have the cooling air back, I can work much more efficiently. My mother still claims that I wasted my money, but I know what I did was right, and I am glad that I don’t have to worry about being in the overheated basement anymore.

air quality

By admin

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