Gas furnace isn’t worth it

My gas furnace is a lot of work.

First, I have to be on it with heating service every fall.

A furnace without proper cleaning is no good. Not only are your energy bills high because the machine is trying to work through dust, but the indoor air quality is polluted. Polluted indoor air conditions cause sneezing, coughing and flu like symptoms. Another issue with my gas heater is that when it is dusty, it is more at risk of system failure. The main line of defense against dust is the furnace filter. Every month I need to replace it with new. If I don’t do that, my heating system could overheat and just quit on me. Most likely a giant heater repair will then follow this. That is the ideal situation in that case. The furnace could also overheat and catch on fire. Even worse is the heat exchanger could have a small crack in it not noticeable to the naked eye. Small amounts of carbon monoxide then get released into the air. This gas is odorless, tasteless and colorless. It does slowly poison you to sickness and even could prove fatal in some cases. You can’t simply patch up the heat exchanger for little money too. It costs almost as much as an entire furnace to get repaired. Basically it would be better to start from scratch and get a new heating system. With all those cons the heater should work really well. However, my furnace isn’t the most efficient, heated air rises and there are cold spots all throughout the house.



Hybrid heating

By admin

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