Smart technology allow for better Heating, Ventilation, and A/C management

It’s funny to look back on our life and watch how the technological arc came into play. I remember going to highschool where the only Heating, Ventilation, and A/C other than radiators was to open a window. However, as a sophomore way back then, I was first introduced to coding on a tablet. This was the day of floppy disks that were the size of a bread plate. Needless to say, I was not very interested and subsequently not very good at it either. Girls and trying to get into a good college were where our attention was. However, I remember when our college got its first tablet system and the Duey decimal system went out the window. Then, there was the time that desktop tablets were first introduced into our nicely Heating, Ventilation, and A/C controlled offices. So, I had to get onboard with technology because our task depended on it. The rest is sort of a blur. But, it is an interesting blur. If you told myself and others I would be as connected to our smart PC as I am, I would have thought you were high. Now, even the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C in our condo is enhanced by technology. Recently, I had a smart Heating, Ventilation, and A/C thermostat installed in our home. I was a bit reluctant however after I heard all the rave reviews from friends and colleagues, I got on board with technology once again. The results have been phenomenal, even more than I expected. I was amazed to see a savings of nearly 15 percent on our first utility bill with the smart Heating, Ventilation, and A/C thermostat. But, I also love how this thing has l received our household habits and has been able to adjust accordingly. I can only imagine what tech will bring next.

furnace/heater service

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