She thinks their last power bill was $170 for two months

The water bill is honestly low, plus food is about $320 a month, so that means Paula can live in this neighborhood for about $900 a month

Paula can’t wait for their next power bill to see how low it is, as she has not used anything but a fan to stay cool and has been taking freezing showers for some time because their machine broke down a while back. She thinks their last power bill was $170 for two months. So, this coming bill should be about $135 she is figuring, which is nice because that is for two months of energy usage. The total cost to live in this apartment is about $1400 for all bills, and her Heating and Air Conditioning expert roommate shoulders $600 of that each month. Paula gave her a deal and dropped her rent by $100 recently because she works so much but doesn’t make that much cash working for the local contractor in town. So, her bills per month are around $790 to live in this nice new apartment in the neighborhood center just a quarter mile from the sea. But if she moves out her Heating and Air Conditioning expert buddy said she will pay $720 a month to live here, so that means she would be down to about $550 for living here, which includes all of the heating and cooling costs and Wi-Fi. The water bill is honestly low, plus food is about $320 a month, so that means Paula can live in this neighborhood for about $900 a month. She works for the heating corporation each week part time and after that Paula also makes cash teaching yoga and teaching volleyball. Her band plays each week and she also makes some cash from that gig.

a/c set up

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