Her HVAC expert shut the door to their litter box room

Life has honestly dealt Joan some heavy blows lately and she is learning to be patient with them all for the most part.

Joan looks at some of her married friends and feels left out of the loop as she has no teenagers and no partner.

Their lives are filled with all of this togetherness while most of her time is spent alone. But it won’t be like this forever and she needs to learn to relish the peace and quiet more than she does. Sporadically, Joan feels lonely, however in reality she is just alone. Her Heating and Air Conditioning tech coming home reminds her that she is honestly not all alone. She works four afternoons a week for the company in the neighborhood and she and Joan have a superb relationship, working together most of the time to solve problems in the apartment with things like broken water heaters and dirty floors. Last night, she accidentally shut the powder room door and the cats relieved themselves in the kitchen sink. The poor things couldn’t get to their powder room because her Heating and Air Conditioning expert shut the door to their litter box room, which is her powder room. They were trying to be polite though and went in the sink because it kind of resembles a litter box. They cherish hanging out on the whole apartment UV air purifier most of the time, unless they are in her office sitting on her lap while she writes her heating and cooling stories. RIght now one cat is nestled on her legs while she does this work.

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