Getting a fireplace courtesy of an overstayed guest

Dannie was carrying a delightful monologue with her reflection when the sultana of the palace walked into his harem.

Gabe had finished his run, and his sweatshirt looked like the miles he had run that morning.

Dannie took in every bit of him and smirked. Gabr smoldered her, but she did not fall for it. They were both used to this dance. Dannie quickly reminded him that she had called the heating dealership for heater maintenance. Gabe grumbled about how they had heating repair three months ago, and when Dannie asked him what he was saying, he just shrugged off and said nothing. Gabe had been squatting in Danniela’s house, and Dannie took advantage of every minute of it. Gabe did not have a place to stay, claiming that his house was under renovation. When Gabe asked him about the progress a month later, he said they were installing an electric heater. Gabe was not being truthful because when she asked him a week later, Gabe said they were still on HVAC installation. Gabe must have realized his mistake because later that day, he told her that he had called his heating dealer so that he could recommend quality heating equipment for her home. Dannie had just had the heating technician install a thermostat, so she decided to bait him by telling him that if her heating device was not good enough for him, he was free to pay for a new furnace. That evening Gabe asked for her preferred fireplace design since he knew she always wanted one. Gabe then told her about his visit to the heating company and that a heating technician would come the following day to assess the house.



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