There was something wrong with the pilot light

As a handywoman of all sorts, Grace has enjoyed working for the community. She has been either working as an Heating & A/C expert or just being the boss at her Heating & A/C corporation. Grace likes to still be in the field at times providing fantastic service to her customers. The other day Mr. Jackson called the office and said there was something wrong with his oil furnace and it wasn’t working as expected. Grace loves this man and had many conversations with him so she told her Heating & A/C team that she will go out and take a look at what is going on. Grace arrived there and he was right, something was wrong with his oil furnace. It didn’t take her long to assess the situation as she figured out that there was something wrong with the pilot light. Grace tried relighting, but it wouldn’t light back up. She had to do some more investigating and realized there was something wrong with the thermocouple and it was malfunctioning. Unfortunately, this would be a part that would need to be upgraded so Grace let Mr. Jackson knew about this observation. Gladly, she had one in the Heating & A/C van and the upgrade won’t take long at all. As she installed the new part, Mr. Jackson just talked to her and they had a few laughs like in the old days. They haven’t seen each other in quite some time so it was really nice to catch up. After getting the thermocouple installed the pilot lit right up with no issue. Grace made sure everything was running smoothly just in case something else can be an issue and said my goodbye to Mr. Jackson. She told him to call the Heating & A/C supplier anytime.

local service provider

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