I would love boiler

I wish that I could tear out our furnace and HVAC duct and update them with a boiler… Unluckyly, the job would be far too disruptive, work intensive and extravagant. I am unwilling to tear out walls and ceilings for the sake of a current style of oil furnace… However, I am convinced that a boiler is a much better option. A furnace works by heating air and sending it through a complex duct system and distributing it to the rooms of the home. The average duct system sacrifices up to thirty percent of the heated air to small holes and leaks at the seams. Those same imperfections also draw in contaminants and fumes and spread them into the breathing air. When the hot air flows from the vents, it tends to rise straight up to the ceiling. It only falls down to floor level after it cools off. A boiler works by heating water and pumping it through a network of pipes that are concealed in the walls or under the floors. Because water heats up quicker and retains heat longer than air, the boiler doesn’t have to work as strenuous or use as much energy to achieve ideal comfort. Instead of blowing hot air, the pipes radiate heat, eliminating cold spots, drafts and stratification. The temperature from floor to ceiling is never three degrees away from the temperature control setting. As a closed loop system, the boiler uses the same water over and over and doesn’t introduce pollutants into the breathing air. The operation is virtually silent and repair free. A boiler can affix to any combination of radiant floor heating, radiators, baseboard heaters, a snowmelt system and even towel warmers. One of the largest perks of a boiler is the easy ability to set up independent zones.

ductless mini split

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