Humidifier significantly improves comfort

Overly dry air is a natural byproduct of cold weather. When the temperature drops, the outdoor air loses the ability to hold onto moisture. I live in an area that is known for its long, especially cold winters. It’s often necessary to run the furnace for more than seven straight months. The combination of cold conditions and running the oil furnace creates issues with insufficient moisture. The commanded indoor humidity level over the Wintertide is 45%. I’ve seen the humidity level in our current home drop down to 15%. The lack of moisture reduces the body’s resistance to allergens, bacteria and viruses, making it much easier to get sick and much more strenuous to reuse. It thins out protective mucus in the nasal passages, lungs and throat, often causing irritation, swelling and even infection. Headaches, trouble sleeping, congestion, dry skin, chapped lips and itchy eyep are consequences of low humidity. Asthma, psoriasis and eczema symptoms are irritated, static shock and frizzy hair are signs of insufficient moisture. There is greater potential for wood furnishings, moldings, doors and floors to dry out, squeak and crack. Another problem is that dry air feels cooler than moisturized air. This leads to higher temperature control settings, putting a larger demand on the oil furnace. I tried portable humidifiers and got agitated by the amount of work and lack of improvement, then eventually, I hired a professional Heating and Air Conditioning supplier to install a whole-lake current home humidifier. The system uses electrodes to change water into steam, then introduce it into the heated air as it passes through. The moisture gets circulated throughout the house, significantly improving comfort and indoor air pollen levels. Because I’ve been able to lower the temperature on the temperature control, I’m also saving money on our energy costs every month.


Heat pump install

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