Invest in air condition equipment

Indoor air quality is not something that everyone considers, however did you know that most Amercans spend 90% of their afternoon indoors? Did you know that the indoor air quality is considerably more polluted than the outdoor air? It makes sense, but we are obsessed with sealing our homes up tight. Having a tight thermal envelope is good for lowering energy bills and expanding the longevity of our Heating and Air Conditioning system. However, the scaled up house means that the same, stale air is circulating over and over, then that dirty, stuffy air is being breathed in time and time again by the homeowners. Dry indoor air conditions cause wood furnishings to split, lips to crack and static shock… Most indoor air conditions lead to bugs, mold and mildew. Dirty indoor air means more headaches, asthma attacks and concerns with dust irritations, however it is highly proposed that homeowners invest in some style of indoor air quality cleaner, but an media air cleaner is the easiest and best thing to install. It goes right in the return or supply ducts and works with the Heating and Air Conditioning system. It cleans and purifies the air as the Heating and Air Conditioning operates. It unlinks dust, dirt and odors. There are also UV lights that can install right into an cooling system to prevent mold growth. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers tackle the moisture issue in the air quality. If you want something basic, a HEPA filter installed in the Heating and Air Conditioning device should also help the air a bit. It catches more dust, pet dander and hair from getting inside the Heating and Air Conditioning gear.


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