Human bodies crave sunshine and fresh air

Imagine feeling awful for being at home in your AC when it is a lovely, sunny, moderate day outside? If so, you are part of a larger group of people who feel that way.

On nice days, human bodies crave the sunshine and fresh air.

However, periodically our minds encourage us to remain at home in the air conditioning to relax. At times you want to sit on the couch and binge your favorite show while you curl under a blanket with the AC on. Other moments you need to clean the condo and it’s your only day off from work. You may feel awful if you are at home where there’s AC and on your day off. This is because you won’t get to enjoy the fresh air outside. While fresh air and sunshine are good for your overall health, it’s okay if you’d rather be at home with the AC on. It does not make you lazy or a bad man to stay inside in the comfort of your home with the AC. Jeff would feel this way in the past. He’s a teacher and on his summer break there were some days that he felt he should go to the beach or get some Vitamin D from the sun, but the couch and AC seemed more charming. If you are having a day like this, you can reach a compromise. Spend half the day in your air conditioned home, and the other half outside taking a walk and enjoying the sun.


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