The HVAC refresher course should be helpful

Next week I’m going to take a Heating and Air Conditioning appliance repair and maintenance refresher course with my Heating and Air Conditioning appliance tech pal.

  • I don’t actually know when the last time was when I took a course similar to this but I feel it’s been easily 15 years.

I actually feel I am due for one as the technology has changed a pretty good amount over the years. The last time I took a class in Heating and Air Conditioning appliances was when the mini split A/C system just came out on the market, so you can see that it’s been a long time since I have had a class in the Heating and Air Conditioning appliance field as the machine has been out for a long long time. I feel the course lasts about a week and it’s maybe five or six hours a day, so it shouldn’t be miserable. We also get the whole week off of task while taking the course, which is actually nice, but my heating and cooling contractor is going to pay for the class, so it is not going to cost me any money. This is really good because I have all of my money locked up in investments at the moment anyways. I’m going to get some books on the topics that they will cover and brush up before the course starts just so I am up to speed with everything that they talk about. A pretty good amount of things have changed in the Heating and Air Conditioning appliance field and I can be totally lost if I don’t read a little bit of stuff beforehand. Okay, I’m going to make a supper sandwich and then get back to my professional work.

hvac serviceman

By admin

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