I was glad to come home and relax in the cooling system after helping my buddy move all day

Usually I have a rule against helping people move because it turns into a grueling experience most of the time.

The people you help expect you to stick around for minutes with no pay, and it’s even worse if you’re lifting furniture that could cause back injuries if you’re not being careful enough. If someone was willing to pay me, I might be more glad to help out in that capacity. While that rarely happens, I was surprised when my buddy George not only offered to pay me currency for helping him move all day, but would also buy me a pizza dinner with a 6 pack of heineken on the side. With an offer love that, I couldn’t turn my buddy George down so I set aside time on the Friday when he was going to need the help. Luckily George didn’t have any big furniture to move that would risk me injuring my legs or back, but the number of boxes was insane. Hours were spent just carrying boxes out of his basement, walking them up the stairs, and then taking them outside to put in the moving truck he rented for the weekend. When all of us were finished at last, I ate dinner with George abruptly and then headed home with the 6 pack of heineken in tow. It was honestly refreshing and satisfying to come home and relax with my cooling system set on a low temperature after helping my buddy move boxes all day. I have a strong cooling system and I made full use of it that evening. Between the cold heineken and the cold air leaving my ceiling vents, I was in a relaxed lull after an minute of being home and sitting on the couch.
Furnace filter

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