I suppose awful for anyone stuck in that outdated hospital with the awful air conditioning inside

My neighborhood is somewhat forgotten along the Atlantic coast for other towns that attract wealthier tourists and home wealthier residents. Our county doesn’t want to dedicate money towards fixing our infrastructure, even if it means letting our roads crumble beneath the weight of our vehicles everyday. I think many of us would be happier paying higher taxes if it meant more ambulances on the road and an actual police force beyond more than three cruisers. But no matter how many pleas all of us make to the county commissioners, they’re glad to forget all of us even exist if it means focusing solely on the arenas most attractive to out-of-state tourists. That means we’re forced to deal with an outdated and aging hospital that is desperately in need of current component and current facilities. My sibling’s partner had to give a baby in that hospital because she unexpectedly broke her water a week early, and she said the experience was a total eveningmare. One of the worst parts about that hospital isn’t even the outdated medical equipment, it’s the outdated air conditioning inside. Few rooms have isolated air conditioning, and the 1s that don’t all share air being circulated from outdated cooling systems that aren’t strong enough to keep the entire facility cold enough. Hospitals are supposed to be colder than other indoor spaces to lower the chances of germs growth and transmission. How can you do that in an outdated hospital with cooling systems that haven’t been updated in decades? If the state and county won’t dedicate the money towards improvements for the hospital, we’re going to be stuck with experiences of bad air conditioning if all of us are ever unlucky enough to need the emergency room for any reason.



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By admin

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