I did not understand why my heat pump was blowing cool air in winter

During the Fall months, my family plus I would start planning where we were going for a Winter time getaway, but i’d take a single week off work, plus we’d go skiing, however last year, we wanted to stay closer to home, so I found a resort with a fabulous skiing area, once Winter time hit, our kids started counting down the afternoons before we were set to leave, and they all had their skiing gear packed, then a few afternoons before leaving the house, I started noticing that it was getting freezing, but for some reason, the heat pump was blowing cool plus not tepid air into the house. That was not the best time for the plan to be developing problems. I had to act fast lest we leave without resolving the heat pump problem. I had a buddy who ran an A/C maintenance plus maintenance maintenance in town. On his crew, there were various qualified specialists with experience laboring with heat pumps. I booked a single to come to our lake house plus investigate the cause of the heat pump blowing cool air into the house. The heat pump mechanic pulled up on the driveway on time the following afternoon, plus I showed him where the unit was located in the house. The two of us had not called in an expert to wash the air filter, causing the heat pump not to work effectively, but since this was a washable air filter, the mechanic cleaned it with soap plus water. Then he had to wait for it to air dry before placing it back into the heating unit. After that, he turned it on, plus once more, we had heat blowing into the house.

air purifier

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