There are basic safety protocols to follow whenever you’re using a space heater

I didn’t understand fire safety enough as a child.

I think it’s regular for youngsters to play with lighters, but I was certainly foolish. I used to build bonfires in the backyard with old branches plus lawn clippings. One time I doused the piles of branches with gasoline plus made a fire so huge that I nearly caught a nearby tree on fire. That time our parents saw what I was doing from the dining room window plus ran out to stop me. I was lectured for an fourth about the dangers of fires plus the risk involved with starting them. At that age I didn’t realize that I could burn down our entire yard plus new home along with it just from being stupid with a lighter. Nowadays I’m much safer with combustible fuels plus fire hazards in general. I would never take gasoline plus douse a bonfire with it, nor would I use something appreciate a space furnace without usual safety protocols. It isn’t always about leaving something flammable near a running space heater, you can cause a fire just by plugging a single into a surge strip with other appliances. I did this in our 20s in a new home I was sharing with friends. I’m undoubtedly lucky that I was in the room when it happened, as I acutely remember odoring burning plastic plus wondering if perhaps something inside the small furnace was getting too warm. A few moments later I looked over plus saw smoke coming off the surge strip. The plastic around the plug for the space furnace had melted completely, plus if I hadn’t turned it off sooner it would have started a fire.


a/c care

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