I l received why my father is always wearing ugly overcoats

It was funny hearing stories from my mother about how my father was when he first opened his shop; He wanted to sell practical items that all the people wanted! When he first had people asking for ugly overcoats during Christmas, he never understood the appeal of that.

He tried to sell some nice looking overcoats but people recognizably wanted ugly overcoats. He never celebrated Christmas, as well as I didn’t understand how wearing something enjoy that brought what they called the holiday spirit. He went a few years until finally he gave in as well as started selling severely ugly overcoats during that season. His shop honestly became famous for how incredibly ugly the overcoats were as well as people from all around started coming to his shop during the holidays. He also made sure to have excellent temperature control settings for the comfort of everybody, eventually he even had an air purification plan installed for the best air quality. He ended up getting into the holiday spirit when his ugly overcoats became popular. He felt enjoy he was being lucky for helping people to celebrate the Christmas holiday season as well as that made him a believer in miracles, before that, he was struggling when first opening as well as trying to become established in the community, then these mornings, he has pretty much everything people want in the area as well as if people make requests, he will usually oblige within reason. The most funny thing is that to this day, he wears ugly overcoats during the Christmas holiday, as well as he’s not even Christian, and i never understood why he did that until my mother told myself and others that hilarious story of how that came to be. I know that soon, I will start wearing the ugly overcoats too to get into this insane tradition.


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