We hate the HVAC system in our office

My husband and I rent office space downtown and we really hate the HVAC system that is in the building.

It’s the worst.

I have noticed that there are always people in the office with sweaters and even big winter coats on during the winter while they are working at their desks. It’s a terrible thing when the indoor air quality in your office is so bad that you actually have to wear a coat in order to stay warm enough to work. For me, I have decided to go ahead and break the rules of the building just so that I can stay warm enough to get my work done. In other words, I have purchased a small electric space heater to put under my desk at work so that I can keep my feet warm. In my opinion, it’s their own fault that I have to break the rules. They are pretty strict about not allowing anyone to have an electric space heater in the office building. I guess it has something to do with the insurance on the building or something. It must be some sort of a fire hazard or a liability, but I don’t really care because they obviously don’t care if their employees are freezing or not. I know that it’s just not me and my husband who are freezing, because all of the other people that we see coming in and out of the building act like they are cold, too. It’s pretty ridiculous for us to pay so much money to rent out this office space and still have to worry about how cold it is inside. We might get kicked out because of my little electric space heater, but at this point, I don’t even care!

Hydronic heater

By admin

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