My wife had to move with her job last month

My wife had to move halfway across the country last month because she got a big promotion with her job.

We were all kind of shocked that she got this promotion.

Not that she wasn’t qualified or anything, because she was. We just thought that it was a long shot for her to actually get the position when she first applied for it. Anyway, when she was told that she got the promotion, we were thrilled because it was a giant step up in salary but then we were also kind of concerned because we were going to have to move to another part of the country. We were used to living in a colder area of the country where we hardly ever need to use our air conditioning. I mean, I can count on one hand the times that we turn our central air conditioning system on during the year. The temperatures here just never seem to get much over 75 degrees or so during the summertime and it’s really like the perfect weather to live in and to do all sorts of outdoor activities. Well, once my wife got the promotion, we realized that we were going to be moving to literally one of the hottest places in the nation. The temperatures in the new area are probably going to be in the triple digits for most of the year, and that’s just way hotter than we are used to dealing with! It’s going to be different, that’s for sure. We will have to depend on our central air conditioning way more now than we ever had to before.

Cooling specialist

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