Tried to hide the chocolates; they melted next to air vent

I’m entirely not the most affectionate kind of guy.

I do our best to be a relaxing bestie to our partner because I love her really much, and however, most of this relationship stuff does not come easy to me. I have to toil really taxing to show up in the right ways for our lady… Recently, I decided that I was going to do the right thing by celebrating Valentine’s Day with her, even though I recognize the holiday is severely stupid. I had a whole surprise planned out for when our girlfriend returned lake house from work. I was going to kneel out roses, candles, and chocolates. However, she walked in the door before I had a chance to finish our decorating. In a panic, I threw our bags of get-together supplies behind the couch, then unfortunately, I threw our Valentine’s Day goodies right on top of the heating vent. As soon as our girlfriend walked in the door she commented on the uncomfortable indoor air temperature… She promptly went over to the thermostat and adjusted the indoor air temperature so that the gas furnace would supply some extra warmth. She would not stop talking about the brutally chilly un-even temperatures outdoors and how she was thinking of her forced air gas furnace all afternoon long. She couldn’t wait for a little modern indoor air temperature control to offset the stressful afternoon! Meanwhile, I just kept thinking about the get-together supplies hidden behind the couch and the proximity to the air vent, and luckily, she was still surprised… The people I was with and I both were. As the warm air warmed up the bottle of champagne, the liquid eventually exploded with a loud pop. That’s when I presented her wilted roses and melted chocolate, fresh from the air vent.
Air conditioning worker

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