I prefer running outside

For six consistent months, the weather was absolutely terrible.

My local area went through a record-setting cold snap.

The temperature dropped to 26 below zero for several weeks. We saw the accumulation of several feet of snow and the wind chill was actually hazardous. It took a long time for the weather to turn milder and the snow to finally melt. We then faced the Spring rains, and the ground became horribly muddy. There was no chance of heading out on a run outdoors. I was forced to run on the treadmill. There’s no problem with running on the treadmill. The digital display offers a lot of helpful information. I can adjust the speed, see my current average pace, keep track of how many calories I’ve burned and know how long I’ve been running. The treadmill also includes a built-in fan and a convenient cup holder. I am able to adjust the thermostat to the perfect temperature, and there’s no stress over dressing for the weather. I’m not worried about encountering rain, exhaust fumes, angry dogs, potholes or bees. I can jog for as long as I would like, and quit without being stranded miles from home! However, running on the treadmill is kind of boring and repetitive. I don’t like it as well as running outside. I prefer the fresh air and sunshine. I look forward to going on new routes and experiencing the scenery. I look forward to the challenges of hills, curves and declines. At the conclusion of a run outdoors, I feel so proud of my accomplishment. While I’m fortunate to have access to a treadmill, I head out the door if the weather conditions allow it.


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