Finding what I like at a gym

It took me a long time to decide whether or not I entirely wanted to get a gym membership.

Where I live, there aren’t a lot of options for gyms. There are basically the chains where you can get a gym membership real cheaply, and there is another local gym that is much higher quality but also much more pricey. I’ve consistently had a bit of struggle when it comes to spending money on myself, and that includes wellness and fitness stuff. Anyway, since I am a bit older, more than a bit chubby, and struggling with a couple of painful health issues, I decided it entirely was time to check out the local gym. I wanted a good one, not a cheap gym with like three machines. The main part of interest for me was the swimming pools. Swimming laps and doing anything in the water is entirely the only kind of activity I legitimately enjoy. Even still, I loved the lap swimming, I still wasn’t pumped to work out. I had no interest in the group’s workout classes. The spin class held no interest for me. I was not into the idea of weight lifting, and I doubted I would ever want to use the free personal training sessions that came with the gym membership. It costs almost 60 bucks a week, and that’s a lot just to go swimming. While I was hem-hawing around, I saw a door that was marked massage. When the gym membership sales rep told me that massages are free, I was excited.

Gym membership

By admin

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