Choosing gym membership over home gym

For a long time, I was unwilling to invest in a gym membership fee.

I didn’t want to feel stressed about making the drive to the fitness center multiple times per week.

I worried I’d end up not going to the gym often enough and squander my money on a membership I rarely used. I assumed I could provide a decent workout at home and so I bought some equipment. Exercise equipment is more expensive than I expected. I managed to buy a yoga mat, a set of dumbbells and a jump rope. I had very limited room available in my home to set up a gym, and with the equipment the space was crowded. My workouts were restricted, repetitive and quite boring. I frequently became distracted by home repairs, my kids, the cat and all sorts of responsibilities. When the local gym advertised a free month trial membership, I decided to find out if I’d benefit from it. I’ve now been a member at the gym for over two years, and I’m convinced it’s totally worth the fees. I can use a broad variety of state-of-the-art equipment. There’s multiple styles of treadmills, bikes, rowing machines, ellipticals and steppers. There’s all different machines designed for strength training. They target all the muscle groups. There’s every weight of dumbbell, kettlebell, weighted ball and resistance bands imaginable. I have access to battle ropes, punching bags, jump ropes, and can climb an indoor rock wall. The gym provides lots of group fitness classes, such as pilates, yoga, circuit training, weight training and spin. I am always happy to head to the gym in the morning. I often spend two hours there, at least four to five days each week.

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