I don't think the new HVAC tech will last long

He was complaining within earshot of the customer, which I’m sure didn’t help to make us look good, and every 15 minutes he took a break.

Recently, my HVAC company has hired another HVAC tech. This guy was fresh out of HVAC college and seemed like a great hire for the company. I thought so too, that is, until I worked with him for a day. For his first task, him and I were sent out to clean someone’s ductwork. That is a very laborious job, and required multiple people. It didn’t help that the person’s house we were cleaning was massive. The entire trip there the guy was on his phone. That’s not too bad, since I’ve seen multiple of my coworkers briefly check their phones. Once we got there though, we started cleaning when it started to get bad. While I already knew that this was going to be at least a 4-5 hour job, only 30 minutes in, the new HVAC guy started complaining. He was complaining within earshot of the customer, which I’m sure didn’t help to make us look good, and every 15 minutes he took a break. This really annoyed me, because while I would be working my butt off, he would be off doing who knows what, and then he would come back and only work half heartedly for another 15 minutes, all the while complaining. He did this the entire 5 hours it took them to finish their home. I would have been able to finish much sooner, had he helped me more, but no, he was too busy taking breaks. I don’t think this new HVAC technician will last long with my HVAC business.



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