Finding a new me by getting into health and fitness

I tend to fear the worst.

  • That goes double when I am undertaking something that is different and a bit intimidating.

I think my default setting is just this way. I just don’t ever like being caught off guard or unprepared for what life dishes out. So, my recent exploration into health and fitness came with a great deal of trepidation. I used to have gym memberships back in the day. But, it was not a place where I felt comfortable so I never really committed to any sort of long lasting health and wellness regimen. That’s why when I committed to going back to the local gym, I would do it with a completely different approach. Having aged a bit and gotten more settled in life, my health has become more of an important factor. Going to the gym was no longer about getting buff with a bunch of directionless weight lifting. I truly wanted to come come at it with a focus on health and wellness. I planned to allow personal health and wellness to be the tipping point for a fundamental change in my approach to living life. I have to say that I was still a bit scared by such a prospect. But, from where I sit now, I sure am glad I stuck to my guns when it comes to health and wellness. The certified fitness experts I worked with really got me going. We developed a workout program that would help my fitness level while improving my overall health. I am well on my way to feeling better than I have ever felt in my life.

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