How to get a warmer modern home in the winter

Recently I have been trying unusual methods of keeping my modern home heated up while in the winter.

One of the first things that is vital to keeping your apartment warm, is apparently a furnace! But if you are like me, and you have a oil furnace that is outdated and not toiling that well, then sometimes you have to rely on other methods.

I heard these methods from a neighbor who can’t afford a modern heater, so she discovered a few unusual ways of warming her house. One of these methods is keeping the blinds open. Where I live, the sunshine shines directly on my house, which isn’t relaxing in the summer, but works to my benefit in the winter, then keeping my blinds open means that the sunshine will start warming up the air in my home. I’ve also decorated my modern home with some nice carpets, so my hardwood floor is not icy cold when I walk around the house. Honestly though, the program that has worked best for myself and others is if you have a fireplace! Some houses truly use their fireplace as their only source of heating, but my modern home is too giant for that, however anyways, when I am feeling undoubtedly cold, I will turn on my fireplace and rest there wrapped up in many layers and blankets, coffee in hand, and just relax, then my fireplace time has proven to be incredibly relaxing, and I am able to suppose better when I am resting there. But the best part is the fact that it warms up my entire residing room and kitchen, so it makes my modern home bearable to live in through the winter.

Energy saving help

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