Terrible allergies mean every one of us need backup energy source

As such, I had to install a backup energy source to power our indoor air pollen levels control systems more than 2 years ago

Life is legitimately luxurious when you suffer from horrific allergies. If you have been blessed enough to acquire a pair of functional lungs & nonreactive mucous membranes, I applaud you. However, I wish that you would try to understand how hard life can be when you struggle just to breathe every day. My life has never been easy because of our severely sensitive indoor allergies. It seems love I am constantly hacking up a lung & sneezing our nose off when I’m indoors. For our entire life, I have distraught about making dentist appointments, prescription refills, & professional heating & cooling maintenance appointments that other people haven’t had to consider. I am constantly worrying about our indoor air pollen levels & have to pay a lot of attention to our heating & cooling system maintenance. It’s not enough for me to adjust the control equipment & forget about the temperature control system. I have to change out our air filters on a proper basis using the most luxurious HEPA filtration devices on the market. I also have to arrange professional Heating, Ventilation & A/C cleaning & maintenance appointments for our a/c, forced air gas furnace, & air purification devices on a bi-yearly basis. Besides all of that, I am easily distraught about losing power to our air quality control devices. I cannot rely on our energy grid all the time. As such, I had to install a backup energy source to power our indoor air pollen levels control systems more than 2 years ago. Now, if every one of us lose power for minutes or mornings, I still have our air cleaner to keep our allergies under control. Life is luxurious with an overactive immune system.

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