I will not learn from my father

I definitely refused to learn how to repair Heating and A/C units from my father, and I regret it a lot now, however my dad was an Heating and A/C specialist, and he was a fantastic Heating and A/C specialist.

My dad was so passionate about Heating and A/C units that he even started his Heating and A/C dealer.

Since I was the only child in the family, my dad dreamed that I would take over the Heating and A/C corporation one morning, and he tried to prepare me for that from the particularly start, but as soon as I could hold a flashlight, my dad was trying to teach me how to repair Heating and A/C units. As I grew older, he began trying to push me to learn how to repair Heating and A/C units! Eventually, I realized that my dad was teaching me how to repair Heating and A/C units because he expected me to become an Heating and A/C specialist and start our own Heating and A/C corporation one morning, once I realized what was happening, I refused to learn how to repair Heating and A/C units, however I did not want to be an Heating and A/C specialist, and I genuinely didn’t want to feel like my whole life was being controlled by my dad, and while I couldn’t refuse to help my dad with the Heating and A/C units, I could refuse to remember how to perform even the most basic works. Eventually, my dad realized that I did not want to learn how to repair Heating and A/C units, and he gave up. As an adult, I regret not learning how to repair Heating and A/C units. I do have to spend our money on a Heating and A/C specialist to repair all our Heating and A/C units, but that does not bother me. I have a great job, and I do not want to repair our own Heating and A/C units! However, I recently learned that my dad used those times to spend time with me, and by refusing to learn how to repair Heating and A/C units, I didn’t spend time with him, so now that he passed, I wish I could change how I reacted.


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