It isn’t the best, but it works

I just recently bought a used dial control unit for my HVAC system.

I was in a thrift shop and seen it for only a buck so I figured why not give it a Try! I had been using a smart control unit that had just broken on me and to be unbiased I was not happy with it anyhow.

I am an old fashioned person and love things easy with the lowest technology as possible. So seeing this dial control equipment for 5 bucks in the thrift store was a nice thing. I hooked up the old dial control equipment to our current central heating and a/c unit. It works great! It’s not good because the temperature dial sticks sometimes, however it actually works great enough for me to use it for a little while until I decide what kind of current control equipment I need to buy. I will most likely go with a normal dial control unit, although I am not one thousand percent sure on that one yet. But for now this old used dial control equipment will do just great. It turns the central heating and a/c method on and off and it works, and that is all that matters to me at this point. It was nearly free anyhow, so I can not complain if the temperature dial for the control equipment sticks every so often. I’m not going to bring it back since it was only 5 bucks! I hope to select and buy some kind of current control equipment within the next week or 2. That’s our general plan.



home owner solutions

By admin

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