My dad bought me a new air purifier for Christmas

It turns out that my dad did get me an air purifier for Christmas, and I absolutely love it

My dad bought me a new air purifier for Christmas. We did Christmas over a month early this year just because my entire family was coming together. It was the only time that we could get everyone together, so it was really nice to be able to do Christmas early. I had told many people that I just wanted some cute socks and slippers for Christmas, but I told my dad what I really wanted. I wanted an air purifier. I had been looking into getting an air purifier for my house for quite a while. I just didn’t have the extra money to spend on an air purifier. Well, the truth is that I would have had the money to spend on an air purifier if I wouldn’t have gotten my family Christmas presents. To me, it was more important that I got my family Christmas presents than it was that I got an air purifier for myself. I don’t know why I didn’t just take some overtime at work when they offered it last month because I could have gotten an air purifier with the money that I would have made. I think I was just already really tired from work, and I wanted some time off, but I really should have taken those hours because I really would have loved to get another air purifier. It turns out that my dad did get me an air purifier for Christmas, and I absolutely love it. I would like to get a second air purifier for the second floor of my house someday, but for now, one air purifier will have to do.

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