The wedding venue my brother picked for his wedding had poor heating and cooling

My brother took a long time to finally start dating, but when he did he managed to find a great girlfriend within a few months of starting a new job.

She was working at the bank one day when he was taking checks from his boss to deposit in the company account.

They started chatting and immediately made plans to get coffee at a local cafe later that day. My brother told me about his date after the fact and I encouraged him to not let this situation with this girl slip through his finger tips while giving him whatever advice he asked for. Before long, my brother was in a committed relationship with this girl. A year later he had already proposed to her, at which point she emphatically agreed. Now my brother is celebrating his first few months of being married after the two tied the knot at the beginning of the summer. The wedding would have been perfect if it hadn’t been for the sketchy wedding venue. It was a financial necessity to go with a cheaper venue, but I was really hoping things would go well regardless. Sadly, my brother’s chosen wedding venue ended up having poor heating and cooling inside. He toured the venue in March while it was still cold outside and didn’t bother to ask about air conditioning. By the time the wedding was hosted in June, the weather outside was already in the 90s and we found out the day of the wedding how underpowered the air conditioning was in the venue. At least the wedding is over and they can just be happy as a couple with their time together.

Portable space heater

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