The key to physical fitness is attitude

I admit it is strenuous to turn down a Big Mac to have a salad instead, but after a few weeks of smart nutritional choices you will find yourself more energetic and clear-minded… Get a gym membership if that helps you, but you can focus on yourself at home, too, without paying weekly fees

The biggest change I have made in my life was accepting who I was, and trying to improve myself in any way I could. For example, losing weight. Before I could definitely do anything to improve my life, I had to come to terms with who I was and be OK with that. I am a little heavy and I always have been, and there is a occasion that I always will be. I can try and lose weight, but it’s more substantial to be comfortable in my body no matter what. With that in mind, I started an exercise and nutrition program to give myself and others more energy and vitality, and didn’t focus on weight loss. People can get so obsessed with pounds on the scale that they lose track of total body health and fitness. Exercise and nutrition are not tools towards a goal, they should be viewed as amazing gifts to improve your life. I admit it is strenuous to turn down a Big Mac to have a salad instead, but after a few weeks of smart nutritional choices you will find yourself more energetic and clear-minded… Get a gym membership if that helps you, but you can focus on yourself at home, too, without paying weekly fees. No matter what you do, the biggest thing is to maintain that positive focus on yourself, follow a nutritional program, and keep active. With proper exercise you will also find yourself sleeping a lot better, and feeling more rested on fewer hours of sleep. Hit myself and others up in the comments to let myself and others suppose how it goes for you!


Heath and Fitness Center

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