My mom complains to myself and others instead of my father

My mom enjoys to complain about things around the house.

I don’t believe what it is about her, but she just honestly enjoys to have someone to vent to, and I suppose I am just lucky enough to be that person! I don’t like having to listen to it, but I suppose I kind of owe it to her because she used to listen to all of my complications back when I was growing up, but not only that, but she helped myself and others out when I was going through a divorce from my first partner, and anyway, she regularly calls myself and others up whenever something is going wrong at the house because she doesn’t want to talk to my dad about it.

It’s not because she doesn’t know savor she can talk to him, though. It’s mainly because she’s afraid that he will try to repair anything that she complains to him about. Whenever my dad tries to repair anything, he ends up making it worse. Now, my mom is having complications with their Heating & A/C system. She said that whenever the temperature control kicks on and the a/c starts running, the house never starts cooling off. She said that the air conditioning system runs and runs however the house never honestly starts cooling off the way that it should. She said that if she even so much as mentions the fact that the air conditioning system isn’t working to my dad, then he will be down in the basement hammering away at the Heating & A/C unit. She said that he would end up splitting the air conditioning system up even worse than it already was. She asked myself and others to sneak and call the local Heating & A/C dealer for her so that she could get an air conditioning system repair appointment without my dad finding out about it.
Hybrid HVAC system

By admin

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