Hired to design a nutritional program at the retirement center

I graduated from college with a degree in Health and Fitness and Nutrition. I worked a few odd jobs before I found my current position. I am working at a retirement center and I was hired to design a brand-new nutritional program for all of the residents. The previous dietitian worked in the building for 35 years. During that time, many different changes occurred to the building, staff, residents, and the menu. When the former dietitian retired, they decided to hire a fresh face. I am that fresh face. I’m currently working with the staff and management to design a health and nutrition program that will give our residents more energy and minerals and vitamins that they need. We no longer cook foods high in sodium and preservatives. Our current menu is filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, and organic grains. I even started to introduce tofu as protein. Once a month, we have a completely vegan day with no meat, cheese, fish, or dairy. I think it’s important to add various nutrition sources to our everyday diet. We get a great deal of vitamins from introducing new foods to our diet and that can be something lacking in a retirement or nursing home facility. The director for the home is very impressed with my ideas. He talked about implementing the same diet and nutritional program across the board at all 7 locations. I’m really excited by the new job and everyday is filled with fun and excitement.



By admin

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