My energy bills keep increasing every year, no matter the season

When I was hoping for a raise at the end of the year, I was already starting to budget for things that I normally could not afford.

I wanted a new car, a better cell phone, and a new work wardrobe.

My fixation pushed me to visit several car dealerships for test drives, and I even went as far as negotiating a potential price if I received the raise. With the cell phone and work wardrobe, I had credit cards to cover both while waiting for the raise. This was my major mistake, as the long awaited raise never came. When I realized that I amassed two thousand dollars of extra credit card debt because I foolishly counted on money that did not yet exist, I was disgusted with myself and my behavior. I cannot believe I actually spent money I did not even have yet, and now I am paying the price in more ways than one. With no raise and new credit card expenses to pay, I wasn’t happy when my electricity bill kept increasing over a 12 month period. I kept wondering if my house had different energy demands for different parts of the year, but I kept seeing an increase with all other variables the same. I called to have a full HVAC inspection hoping that there was an explanation that involved my heating and cooling system with regards to my increasing electricity bill. Little did I know, my air conditioner and furnace had reached their natural demise and the system needed to be replaced. Now that I have a new central heating and cooling system in my house, my electricity bills are consistently affordable month after month. That just leaves me with the credit card debt to sort out.



Heating and cooling provider

By admin

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