Doing whatever I need to do

Once in a while I wonder if I’m doing enough for my flu symptoms.

I take all of the medications that my doctor prescribes me.

I dust and also vacuum my cabin daily to remove any potential airborne lung irritants, but that isn’t enough either. My sinuses get clogged and then my breathing is full of coughs as well as wheezes. As things started to become worse, I started scouring the web for solutions to my physiological problems. The main problem was sliming down the field of possibilities, as I could have anything from basic pollen irritations to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Many of the guides I found helped with disinfecting as well as cleaning several different locations in the cabin that could be a source of lung irritation. Don’t get me the wrong way, I suppose it is great to keep all surfaces constantly dusted with the floors mopped constantly as well, this only goes so far with making my flu symptoms abate completely. With that being said, it wasn’t too far from the real explanation. Although my problems were not necessarily being exacerbated by dust as well as dirt on random surfaces around the area, the problem was still dust related. In reality it was the dust accumulating in my a/c filters. I was only replacing them once every more than five to numerous weeks which left the filter full of dust fairly rapidly, both obstructing my a/c’s air flow and reintroducing dust back into the air going in as well as out of my lungs. I made the choice to buy a bunch of filters in bulk in hopes that increasing my filter twice as frequently as before will improve my flu symptom symptoms for good. If it has some realizable positive effect on my flu symptoms, it will be worth the money that was spent.

Air conditioner service

By admin

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